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Califone "All My Friends Are Funeral Singers" @ MCA

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Okay, that was totally mind blowing. I've been fortunate enough to see Califone play live to silent movies before, but this experience was not at all like those. I went completely blind into this as far as knowing what the movie was about, and wasn't really prepared for it being this other dimension of a songwriter and band I've loved for many years. It was like one of their albums come to life. Only a handful of the songs from the record are in the film, but the band is providing the score (and are characters in the film, and it's not as hokey as that might sound). I don't want to provide any spoilers for the movie, but the record is very much a companion piece. So weird and beautiful. If you love this band make sure you see them on one of these dates.

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Okay, that was totally mind blowing. I've been fortunate enough to see Califone play live to silent movies before, but this experience was not at all like those. I went completely blind into this as far as knowing what the movie was about, and wasn't really prepared for it being this other dimension of a songwriter and band I've loved for many years. It was like one of their albums come to life. Only a handful of the songs from the record are in the film, but the band is providing the score (and are characters in the film, and it's not as hokey as that might sound). I don't want to provide any spoilers for the movie, but the record is very much a companion piece. So weird and beautiful. If you love this band make sure you see them on one of these dates.


Sounds very cool! Any idea how many dates they are doing with the film? (I suppose I could also try looking it up myself, but in case you knew offhand.)

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I'll be there Sunday night, did they recently add that Friday show?




it was a friends and family preview nite. I guess when a band premiers a movie in their hometown in a small seated venue the guest list can get a little out of hand. I was actually sitting near a ghost. :)

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Don't miss this tour if you can see the movie...(Leo from Detroit was at this show..which was pretty cool.)


I attended the first night at the MCA, which played to an absolutely packed house. The MCA was a very good place to see the movie, since the theater is first rate and the sightlines clear. It was also a great place to see the music, which despite everything had a few problems.


First off the movie was way better than I imagined it would be. It is experimental, but it also does have a narrative and exellent performances. Small spoiler alert, but I won't give too many details. Basically it is about a woman who lives in her grandmother's house surrounded by spirits that she has trapped there to help here, which are the "funeral singers" of the title. The woman herself works as a psychic advisor and as part of the plot she helps this sleezy guy win money at the track. Meanwhile the spirts themselves hang around talking, drinking, making out, fretting and of course playing music (Califone is the ghost band...). This arrangement creates all sorts of problems for the women including with her boyfriend. In some of the more entertaining scenes an older friend of hers (I think it might be a relative, I was unclear on this), asks her to channel the spirit of her dead husband. Each night at 3 AM the spirits are enticed to go toward the light which will take them to the next level, heaven or something. This creates a struggle between the spirit helper and the woman. I won't spoil the rest, but you get the picture. This is a fairly long movie at about an hour an a half, but it never got boring and it movied along nicely, being well writen, edited and as I said, very well acted. Needless to say it is not a Hollywood production, so it has rough edges, but despite what must have been a fairly low budget, the art direction, costumes, etc, are very effective.


Califone does the music live and in the movie in various combinations. At three points actual songs from the new album are performed as well, including one during the closing credits. As my friend John pointed out, the only problem with this arrangement is during the movie the threater is pretty dark so it is difficult to tell who is playing what. Sound wise, it was pretty good, with some parts being mixed in with the soundtrack effectively, but at other points it being too loud. There are parts where the live music is supposed to be loud and this isn't the problem. I think these issues are specific to the MCA, and perhaps the sound people didn't quite get it (sadly I think sound people don't get it at lots of venues).


After a break so that we could get drinks in the lobby, the band came back on to play some hits and some new material. This part of the show was much looser and informal (some of the audience did not return for this part so there were empty seats.) Initially there were sound problems, but those were pulled together and it was very fun, but of course too short for my taste. They canceled the question and answer period. Maybe they will do that tonight or at other performances. It would have been fun to ask questions.


Anyway, it was a great show. Hope others jump on here as it travels around.



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Thanks for the review, Lou. Looking forward to hitting it tonight. We got back row center tickets, but it seems like a pretty small venue, so I am not too concerned. Will try to get my thoughts about it up here eventually, but tomorrow I'll be on the road back to St. Paul most of the day and then I have a week's worth of grad school work I've been blowing off :blink. But, yeah, I've never seen Califone live before, really looking forward to it.



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The concept is so interesting to me. And of course the amazing music...


It seems unlikely that I will get to see this show. Thus far they aren't bringing it within any pragmatic distance. Very much appreciate all for sharing this.


a little narcotic warm on me/ what will I do without the weight of you

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Great review Lou.

Really, any Califone show is not to be missed, but this was one "for the ages. " As mysterious and beautiful as their music, the film really adds to Calfone's already remarkable catalogue.

Having already listened to the album for the past several weeks, it was compelling associating the music with Rutili's vision. "Oh, funeral singers, friends . . . I get it."

If this comes within 4 1/2 hours of you, go! (I know, a little self-laudatory).

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We got back row center tickets, but it seems like a pretty small venue, so I am not too concerned.


I have been to this theater before, but I had forgotten just how small it is (not tiny). Sitting back is not a problem at all.


One last thought on the sound. Califone is a band of nuance; they don't do big showy guitar or other solos so less is definitely more in this case. Separating out the various intruments should be a priority for the sound people. It wasn't bad at the MCA, but it could have been better. The small things matter with this group (lots of percussion and small intrument use). Also I had no idea one of the guys played bass clarinet. Watch for that during the movie (but not in the movie).



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Amazing show. The movie was gorgeously weird, and once I settled into it, I found it very riveting, thought it probably isn't for everyone I noticed more than a few people heading for the exits during it, and Califone's droney intro. they opened with a short instrumental and went right into the movie tonight. During the film they played Ape-Like, Funeral Singers and Evidence over the closing credits. They also played variations on some of the instrumentals on Funeral Singers: SNAKE'S TOOTH = PROTECTION AGAINST FEVER AND LUCK IN GAMBLING, A WISH MADE WHILE BURNING ONIONS WILL COME TRUE and SEVEN, FOURTEEN, OR TWENTY-ONE KNOTS.


The band took a short break after the film and then came out for another set.


The Orchids

Burned By The Christians

Michigan Girls

Polish Girls (first verse than Tim broke a string)

Giving Away The Bride

-- banter/Tim fixes string on acoustic guitar

Polish Girls (take two)

Buñuel (Amazing guitar solo by Becker).


Tim had some great banter telling the audience "this album is more song based, it's an album of songs, the next one is going to be comedy." While the band stopped the show while he was re-stringing and tuning his guitar he added "we can only do this in Chicago, we'd get killed for doing this in Buffalo"


Fun night, and very interesting film and concert. Was certainly worth the hike down from St. Paul to check it (along with the International Film Festival) out. And I think I've hooked another fan (my cousin who I made go with me, who loved it) for Califone.



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Sounds like Rutili was in as loose a mood Sunday as he was Saturday.

To close Saturday's show, he mockingly took the time to show Becker how simple the chord progression was for the final tune, then lauched in to a rocking cover of the Kink's Where Have All The Good Times Gone.

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I saw the show on Saturday night. My initial reaction was this is a great film that will fly just below the radar of the independent film world. It was just one step below the production values needed to reach a larger audience. Even many Wilco fans, who are more progressive than your average audience, will be just out of reach. That said, the story was great, the acting was terrific, and the music is top notch.


Unlike the Trib reporter, I do not feel the band was distracting. It was exactly what it was supposed to be, a film with amazing sound. It was a little tough to discern exactly how much of the sound was coming from the screen and how much was being played live, especially in the scenes where the ghost band was playing music. I assume they would need a different audio mix for a screening without the live band.


For a first film, it is a great effort. It is because of Tim's musical pedigree that many people (myself included) will see the film. And for that reason I would highly recommend people see it, especially to someone who is on the Wilco board and took time to read any of these reviews. The title track which was played live towards the end of the movie was amazing. But the masses will probably not get it.

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Interested in some hyperbole that I actually sincerely believe. For the love of God see them on this tour, in ten years people will give you the same look if you tell them you were there as they would now if you saw Neutral Milk Hotel touring Aeroplane or My Bloody Valentine doing the Loveless shows or Pavement's Slanted and Enchanted tour (not quite like seeing Dylan and the Band, though Becker's guitar solo at the end of Buñuel was pretty amazing). Califone is that good, go get their records and see them.



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